Saturday, February 25, 2017


Hi, I'm back with an update. I received my sample deck on the 19th. I didn't realize it had been in the mailbox until Tuesday afternoon. Nonetheless, here are the details.


There has been a substantial improvement to the quality of the deck's look and feel (not the art itself). The colors are more defined. The white background, for example, is not opaque (first deck), but solid. The smoothness of the cards is quality (what I'm used to when I hold a new deck of tarot or oracle cards in my hands). I think the word I would use is for this deck is "professional looking." The feel (texture) mirrors the professional look as well.

First edition (left) - 2nd edition (right)

Again, not much can be said for the card stock. It's still the same. At this point, I will contact the publisher about a stronger stock. These changes will most likely drive the cost of the deck up, but I would like for my future customers to wait a while before getting to the "black sharpie" phase. :P

As mentioned, the Venus and Mercury retrogrades are coming up, and this will be the time for insights. I already have changes and additions to the deck on paper as well. 

The whole idea with this copy was to enlarge and make the central symbols darker. As mentioned, symbols in the first copy were weak, faded, and small.

1st Edition (left) - 2nd edition (right)

On the down side, there were numerous errors I made, and with both copies. For this copy, smoothness of the artwork (lines) is my first priority. There were a different set of "tweaks," I did with certain cards, and I will have to see which is the best one. I may still need to do some further investigation.

1st Edition (left) - 2nd Edition (right)

The sun and moon placements were reversed (not sure how I missed this). In most cases, the sun is in the upright position of the card, while the moon shows up in the inverse position.

The Longing card is probably the card that needs the most work. Compared to its predecessor, it is not as smooth, and the silhouette effect needs to be re-worked. I trashed this card pretty good!

1st Edition (left) - 2nd Edition (right)

On the plus side, I like the improvements. The smoothness and solid colors (again) are good and this closely aligns with a professionally made deck. I am also happy to have the Pause card back in the deck (though it needs a few tweaks). I was using the old laminated one and it made shuffling crazy. Huge improvements have also been made to the Enemy, Realms, Man, and Ex cards. 

Pause 1st Edition

Ok, this is it. Below, I have left an excerpt from the oracle manual as well.



When two arrows face each other, the reading can have a subtext, meaning that the energies reinforce each other. As a result, they can become “islands” and can stand on their own apart from the reading. In this case, the reader can interpret the example as reinforcing energy. One of the cards in the reading may be causing the island to occur. Once the pattern is recognized, either through interpretation, a clarifier, or guidance, the island may collapse or be reinforced. If it's a helping energy, then the pattern is usually reinforced. If it's not a helping energy, the pattern (island) can be broken.

ISLAND SYNTAX: Locked 1 --> <-- Transition (inverse)

In the above example, Locked 1 is facing Transition (inverse). The Transition (inverse) card indicates change that needs to happen, but isn't. Let's say the querent needs for this change to occur and feels frustrated as a result. However, on the mirror side of the reading, Locked 1 points back to the Transition (inverse) card. Locked 1 indicates sensitive information being withheld. Let's say this is your querent withholding information that could lead to the change she needs. Now we have a case where the actions of the querent are the offset of the pattern. So in this case, the cause of the island is coming from the Locked 1 card or the querent's actions. To break the cycle, disclosure of the information is needed. 

If you want to find out why she's holding back (background), you can place more cards behind the Locked 1 card. If you want to find out what this information is, you can place cards below the Locked 1 card in a column. If you want to see what kind of effect the disclosure will bring, place cards behind the Transition (inverse) card.


Thank you for staying updated!

- Monique

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Desiring to Communicate (Again?)

Ok, so I've decided to let some time pass before making my next update. I ordered a new sample deck with less cards (about 18) from the publisher back on February 1st. This copy contains most cards that I've made fixes and updates to. I also ordered a higher grade card stock, but I'm not sure 330 gsm is going to make a difference. I am thinking this will just make the cards more slippery like playing cards. The good news is that this copy does contain the missing Pause card, and stronger images that first appeared weak or faded in the first copy.

That aside, I am still going to take a cautious approach this month. I also probably won't be making the deck available in March or April. This extra time will allow me to work out any kinks during Venus retrograde.

So this aside, I'm really hoping to make some progress into the spring. I'll return with another update on the second copy, which is due to arrive on February 21st. I'll also be posting another excerpt from the manual then as well.

So please stay tuned and thank you for staying updated!!

- Monique