Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Desiring to Communicate

I have been desiring to communicate about this deck for a while now, and I'm excited to finally be able to do that with those who have expressed an interest in it. =)

For those of you who have not heard of this deck, please go here to learn more about it. For a timeline of the deck's creation process, please go here.

The deck is still in the concept phase, meaning I've been adding, subtracting, and redesigning these cards. I haven't been able to work on it much in the last few weeks due to job search and other priorities taking up most of my time.

I took the liberty of testing it some with my own personal journals and in readings at the reader's forums. So far, I think it's done it's job and now it's up to me to improvise and start making the most of its features. 

As for the testing phase, I will be doing some more practice readings, mainly testing predictive qualities with weekly readings at the reader's forums. I am also revising the manual and cleaning up the artwork a bit more. They won't be major changes. I feel this deck still has room for improvement and changes can't really be meaningful without first using it. ;-)

I thought of adding more indicators to cards that don't have them. (For those of you who don't know what indicators are, they are small symbols in the corners of a card that can help clarify a reading). I think, however, this deck has more than what readers will know what to do with.

I will end my entry here and hopefully make an update soon. Bye, and thank you for reading!!

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