Friday, October 28, 2016

Mutual Attraction

I'm back! I have had one heck of a month. By some miracle, I've managed to devote some time to the deck, and it's been coming along nicely. =)

Over the past couple of weeks, I've made improvements to several cards and have found some ways around ongoing problems. Mainly resizing has been an issue, as it can affect image quality. Using Illustrator helped to some degree, but once I needed to get smaller images for the glyphs in this deck, I had issues. That solved for the most part, I was able to go back to a few cards and replace larger, intruding glyphs with smaller ones (both center and corner symbols and glyphs).

While I have some dislikes about the way the art work has come out, I'm mostly satisfied with the progress made.

Below is a comparison of the former version of this deck (right) with the new version (left). You may click the image to enlarge it. The only qualms I have right now are with the new Jealousy card (bottom right). Trying to create a traditional 'J' shape digitally and putting a spin on it has been pain-staking. At times, some symbols appear thicker than others. But because curvy symbols are hard to re-do, I'm not about to mess with the Retrograde card any further (top right). However, I think it's true what they say, you can't rush art.

In other news, I've been doing daily draws with the oracle for 3 weeks now, and as I get to know the deck better this way, some of the cards are not what they seem.

Thank you for staying updated. If you have any questions, comments, etc., please leave it below or you can email me. Thank you!!


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