Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Introducing The Plutonian Oracle

You made it! Welcome to my blog. Here I will introduce and talk about The Plutonian Oracle and give you some ideas on how to use it. At first, it may seem like a complicated deck, but it's an oracle that is as simple as you'd like to make it. :) All I ask is that you forgive the lousy image quality in this post, but hey, it might just prevent image theft, right? 

In my background post about The Plutonian Oracle, I talk about its origin. Click on the link if you'd like to know more about how I created this deck and why. 

Now, onto how to use the oracle! This deck was created to be used on many levels. The first level focuses on the central symbol of each card. Take for example the crescent moon on the Hidden card (see above image). It's meaning is traditional in that it indicates hidden things, i.e., secrets. 

Second level reading is designed to give you specifics on the general message. For example, knowing whether the person in question is male or female, or if something is short lasting or long lasting. Extracting specifics can be done using the extra set of symbols (or what I call indicators) located at the corners of a card. Depending on what card you get or use, there may be only one indicator or several.  

Some cards do not have indicators. That's OK. I did this on purpose. For example, indicators like the sun and moon glyphs appear on several cards, but it would be redundant and wasteful to put them on the entire deck. What's nice about the blank corners of these cards is that you can draw in indicators, or simply use them from another card (if not in use). You can also substitute different meanings for indicators.

Third level reading is making use of space, which is a reading method similar to Lenormand. This is where the arrows in the deck come in (see the Unknown Person card below). Arrows help the reader focus on a particular direction in a reading. Depending on where an arrow points, readers can look to the card in that area of the reading or place one there to shed light on the first (arrow) card. Some indicators can also be used in this manner as well. 

Fourth level reading is the use of the deck's optional correspondences. These include elements, astrological signs, planets, colors, chakras, numerology numbers, and guidance messages assigned to each card. Correspondences assigned to the Unknown Person card are: earth element, the number 4, the root chakra, the planet Pluto, the color red, the sign of Virgo and the general guidance message is strength. You can use these apart from the oracle symbols or alongside them.

There is much more information on how to use this fourth level in the oracle manual as well as on how to use the deck in many other ways. I will also be sharing more information on this deck as well as some sample readings in a future post, so stay tuned! 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Free Tarot Journal Pages

Put together a journal using a PDF editor with these pages, or simply print them for your physical journal. Click on the image of the page you want to download. Links to each page and zip file can be found below. 




Thursday, October 26, 2023

Relationship Spread

So I was asked by a good friend of mine to share a relationship spread I stumbled across under natural circumstances - these natural circumstances being the way cards happen to spatially present themselves in readings. This spread provides assessment for a commonly asked question in divination: how does this person feel about me? Not only that, it provides an assessment of both parties - as a traditional spread - at conscious and unconscious levels.

First, a significator card or cards is used to represent the two people in the relationship. These cards are placed in the center of the spread. For example, The Lovers may be used to represent a romantic relationship. Court cards can also be used to represent each individual. For non-romantic relationships, the 2 of Swords may be used. Of course, if you don't want to use any cards from the deck for card-saving purposes, then a piece of paper with the querents' names or other objects may be used to represent the pair. 

Next, cards drawn are laid out behind each individual. Cards leading up to the individual may describe present feelings, or a progression of feelings over time. The initial root feeling/desire/need is the farthest card from the individual, while current feelings fall near or just behind. Here's an example:

Here, the Queen of Swords and King of Cups are used to represent a romantic heterosexual couple. The first cards represent current feelings, while the cards on each end of the spread represent initial or past feelings. However, this may not always be the case. In this example, my initial impression of the cards behind the man reads differently because of the court card (Queen of Pentacles). In this case, the past may not be represented by the man's initial feelings but by someone who has influenced him to feel his current feelings (5 of Wands). (I tend to read courts as people until feedback is given.) 

Cards in this spread may be read as events going on behind each individual as well. It depends on the reader's intuitive register of the cards. For example, behind the man, the 5 of Wands could be read as several women vying for his attention, and the Queen of Pentacles is a potential past lover. To shed some light on the couple's current status, they've been navigating troubled waters negatively affecting their relationship for years now.

Now, let's take a look at the woman's side of things. She has The Sun as her current feelings in the relationship and the 5 of Cups as past or initial root feelings. At first glance, these cards present a self-explanatory assessment. Her feelings about the union are positive and hopeful. The sun provides growth, and that's the energy she's offering. Her past feelings represent disappointment and regret over issues that may or may not have been under her control (5 of Cups). To say the least, she has come out of inner struggle. 

The reader could spend all day analyzing the relationship with this spread; however, the basic concept of its use has been clarified. Can you use this spread to read on two separate circumstances? Why not? I'd love to hear comments about how this reading went for those of you who try it. Better if it's taken out of the box and experimented on in your lab of card reading. Until next time... 

Happy Halloween!  

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Are you ready for Jupiter in Aries? A Sample Reading

Jupiter will make its way into the sign of Aries on April 21, 2023 and exit May 1, 2024. (For those of you who go by tropical astrology, Jupiter enters Taurus ;) If you plan to track this transit, have a look at where it will be in your chart this year! Then do this reading to see how it will affect you. 

For this sample reading, I'm using The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck Pocket Edition. I really love smaller deck sizes because they not only accommodate my small hands, but they are great for spreads that need to be photographed! 


Overall you can see that the energy is dynamic - matching the fiery combinations of Jupiter and Aries. Keep in mind that the reading is balanced with the element of air (Magician and Ace of Swords).

Between May 2023 and 2024, Jupiter will be transiting my 5th house - which rules children, entertainment, sports, artistic talent, and romance.

1. CURRENT YEAR: 10 OF WANDS REVERSED. The current year brings an end or "loosening up" of burdens. Perhaps these burdens may be from the last 9-10 months. Overall, there is a lightening of stress and perhaps a push back to the 9 of Wands energy. There is less impulsiveness at this point.

2. BEGINNING (MAY-SEPTEMBER): ACE OF SWORDS REVERSED. The way forward with the new transit brings challenges in the area of decision-making. The advice is to be able to have the facts necessary to be able to make a good stand or decision. Mercury will also be retrograde until mid May. Careful planning around entertainment, children, sports, or other 5th house rulerships. Rahu or the North Node will conjunct Jupiter April to October 2023. Rahu shakes things up a lot and so I have no doubt this will make the ride more unstable.

3. MIDDLE (OCTOBER-JANUARY): MAGICIAN. Things start to come together with this card. Having everything I need by October and into the New Year will feel good, especially with respect again to 5th house ruled areas. It will be a good time to take action and make a decision during these months (with respect to artistic talents and children especially). There could also be renewed spark of romance in a marriage. Jupiter will finally unchain itself from Rahu.

4. END (FEBRUARY-MAY 2024): PAGE OF WANDS. The energy tones down, as Jupiter begins its exit out of Aries. The page is about new beginnings and new roles. I also tend to look at the pages as new horizons or embarking on a journey to become something more (King).

Questions, comments, observations? Feel free to leave me a comment below! 


Monday, March 6, 2023

Building a Meanings System - Part 2: Questions and Template

To draw or not to on a daily basis? While using the old daily draw system is standard when learning a divinatory system, it can quickly become overwhelming if consistency is hard to maintain. That was me once life started. If you're working the 9-5 and have kids, for example, then it can quickly become difficult to remind yourself to be on the lookout for your theme of the day.

Sometimes, it just isn't easy, even when you've got the time. I used to become stuck when I couldn't think of something that happened in my day, or what I learned related to the card theme. And while I could go back and fill in the blanks with this method, there's a chance I'll forget or won't remember what I was supposed to write. If you're like me, getting to know your divinatory themes at a slower pace may be a better approach. It's like the interview process when getting to know someone. Most employers don't have three candidates sitting in on the same interview for one. That same concept can be applied when getting to know your deck or divinatory concepts. Take the time to get to know each one of them - one at a time.

When becoming familiar with a system, I draw one card for the week. This helps to keep my mind focused on a central theme, rather than on three or seven. What also helps is that I start with a set of questions about the theme. For example, if I draw Path, which is a card that represents a pathway that's opened to me, I can come up with a set of questions like this:

  • What pathway is opening up to me this week?
  • How do I normally approach opportunities?
  • What can I do differently this time when a pathway opens up for me?

You'll want to frame questions based on the classic WH- words: Who, what, when, where, why and how.

You'll also want to stick to the timeframe, a week's time, when asking most of your questions. This helps to keep answers specific. 

I come up with about 3 questions per draw and then work on answering them in my journal immediately. Later throughout the week, l will add more input to questions and answers.

In my last entry, I mentioned part of building a solid meanings system included the practice of asking questions. Questions are vital when learning. For each theme, come up with a set of pre-asked questions.

Another plus to using the once weekly system is that you can gradually turn it into a monthly and bimonthly system - at a pace that's right for you. Take a look at the diagram below:

Diagram for learning a system, fig. 1

Notice that there is a line from the monthly box to the weekly ones, meaning you can skip twice monthly and weekly draws and work with monthly and weekly ones. This simplifies the learning curve while leaving a larger and smaller window to study and understand a few themes in depth each month.

Getting back to the method of questioning, as a student who majored in psychology as well as minored in coaching, I learned the value and strategic importance of questioning. One book I'm currently reading has allowed me to revisit the method while doing a monthly and weekly reading system. Intelligent questioning has opened the door to a new way of thinking about themes as they relate to real life experiences. It's also helped me understand and improve my readings with a system I've always had trouble with: Lenormand.

Addendum: If you want to try something different, try drawing your card(s) at the end of the period. What is the pro? This method actually forces you to sit down and write about your week in relation to the card(s) you got. It can also help you think about any questions you might want to ask after-the-fact. Con: You may not be able to connect an event to the cards you got, but it helps to be mindful of anything important or interesting occurring throughout the week as it happens. So if you don't mind not knowing what exactly to look for but still find this method useful, give it a try. 

For more information on the art of questioning, I recommend Warren Berger's book: A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas. 

In the meantime, if you have questions of your own about this series, please feel free to ask in the comments or contact me via email. 

Happy reading,

Friday, March 3, 2023

Building a Meanings System Part 1: Categories Method


Are you new to reading divinatory systems such as tarot, Lenormand, or oracle cards? What if your system isn’t a cartomancy one? What if you're not new? Well, look no further. This method can be applied to most divinatory systems, whether it’s dice or an oracle you’ve created. It's nothing new, but it's a great way to build a comprehensive meanings system if you’re looking to do pick-a-pile videos or become more organized as a tarot reader, professional or not.


Some learning websites such as Labyrinthos and Learn Lenormand have a meaning for almost every common question asked. When you visit these sites, there are several categories listed for a particular card, each dealing with a common set of topics: love, money, and health are a few examples.

While using a category system is great, readers (no matter how experienced) shouldn't rush into building a complex system. Here are some helpful ways you can get your categories system up and running: 

1. Start with basic life categories. Primary categories such as life areas (i.e., love, money, career), reversed cards, and timing – are good starting areas. For life areas, start small. Most website meanings cover love, money, and career. Once you feel comfortable with a certain amount of categories, hunt around for secondary categories such as personality traits, astrological and card combinations. You also want to make sure you can find someone experienced who has these categories covered on their website or in their book. You can also create your own categories and add information to them as you feel more confident about your interpretations.

2. Modify your system as you gain confidence. Start with references from a favorite expert on the system. For example, Rana George as well as Ciro Marchetti share the different interpretations they have for love, work, and money in their deck companion books. Later, as you gain experience (confidence), modify your meanings. 

3. Questions are vital. If you use only one method from these tips, it should be this one. Questions are powerful, especially the right ones. Asking questions in the reading experience helps get your thoughts and ideas flowing about a card. For example, if you get the 3 of Pentacles (reversed) as your card of the day, you might write these questions in your journal: 

How do I work with others?

How can I improve my professional relationship with others?

What has needed improvement lately in my career or job?

Such questions are centered around a card's theme. I will also be posting more about this topic in a future blog entry (see it here). 

4. Experience space. In your meanings system, create a small space for a few personal experiences of your own with the card. Compare and contrast them to others’ interpretations or experiences. 

5. Pick one system. Work on one system if you're new to reading. If you're intermediate, try building on a system you're familiar with.

Remember, things take time. So does building and maintaining a solid meanings system of your own.

Happy reading,


Thursday, January 5, 2023

Pick A Pile | General Reading | WEEK AHEAD

Hi everyone! This Friday (PST) I have a new video coming out. It will be a general reading for the week ahead featuring my two oracles -- The Little Black Deck and The Plutonian Oracle. See first-hand how I use my oracles along with the tarot. Thank you for watching! 

- Monique